Approved Journals for Research Publication

At Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship, our commitment to scholarly excellence is evident in our quality standards for research publication. Our Research and Scholarship Committee (RSC) evaluates publications for inclusion in our Journal Quality List (JQL). The JQL is comprised of journals on the Harzing List and its various sublists, including the ABDC Journal Quality List, AJG (ABS) and journals approved by the Huizenga Research and Scholarship Committee.

The College only recognizes publications in journals appearing on our JQL for purposes of faculty reappointment and promotion. Faculty may petition to add a journal to the JQL by submitting a request through the JQL Submission Form. Once a petition is submitted, the RSC will convene to review and vote on the petition, according to our established quality criteria adopted by the faculty (and described in Appendices A-E in the HCBE Faculty Handbook). The list is updated when new journals are approved for addition to our JQL.

Currently, these journals are RSC-approved for inclusion on our Journal Quality List.

Effective 10/25/2023, journals less than 15 years old will be approved for five years and then revisited.

American Association of Geographers
American Journal of Health Promotion
Applied Geography
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration
BMC Psychology
Case Research Journal
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Compensation and Benefits Review
Environment & Behavior
Frontiers in Psychology (approved for articles published prior to 11-30-2021)
Geographical Review
HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine
International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management
International Journal of Case Study Research and Application (only for articles accepted and/or published up to August 27, 2020)
International Journal of Bullying Prevention
International Journal of Health Policy and Management
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction
Journal for Healthcare Quality
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Amateur Sport
Journal of Applied Business Research
Journal of Brand Strategy (only for articles accepted and/or published up to June, 2021)
Journal of Business Ethics Education
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Dental Education
Journal of Financial Planning
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (only for articles accepted and/or published up to August 27, 2020)
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Journal of Prosthodontics
Journal of PsychoSocial Oncology
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Surgical Education
Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering
Marketing Management Journal (only for articles accepted and/or published up to May, 2021)
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Medical Care Research and Review
Medical Decision Making
Movement Disorders
Parkinson's Disease
PLoS Biology
PLoS One
Population Health Management
Public Organization Review
SAM Advanced Management Journal (only for articles accepted and/or published up to July 27, 2020)
Scientific Reports (approved for articles published prior to 11-30-2021)
The Case Journal
The Oncologist
The Sport Journal