Our Faculty and Staff

Belay Seyoum, Ph.D.

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Management and Entrepreneurship


H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Ph.D. - McGill University - International Business Law
  • LL.M. - McGill University - International Business Law

INB 3550 International Business

INB 4300 Export/Import Trade

INB 5827 Import/Export Principles and Practices

MGT 2150 Business Law I

Export-Import Theory, Practices and Procedures (3rd edition)
Taylor & Francis 2014

Sources: Notable Selections in Economics
Dushkin/McGraw Hill 2000

The Link between Leadership Styles and Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Women, International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, 2020, West Palm Beach, Florida

Seyoum, B., Abraham, R. (2022). US Trade preference and export performance of Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the African Growth and Opportunity Act. World Trade Review.

Seyoum, B., Chinta, R., Mujtaba, B. (2021). Social support as a driver of social entrepreneurial intentions: the moderating roles of entrepreneurial education and proximity to the SBA. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 28(3), 337-359.

Seyoum, B. (2021). Modularity in production and firm relative positional advantage. Journal of East West Business.

Seyoum, B. (2020). State fragility and human development: A study with special emphasis on social cohesion. International Journal of Social Economics, Not yet available.

Seyoum, B. (2020). Product modularity and performance in the global auto industry in China: the mediating roles of supply chain integration and firm relative positional advantage. Asia Pacific Business Review, pp. 1-26.

Mujtaba, B. Chinta, R. & Seyoum, B. (2020). The Link between Leadership Styles and Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Women. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 20(1), pp. 33-48.

Seyoum, B. & Camargo, A. (2020). State fragility and foreign direct investment: The mediating roles of human flight and economic decline . Thunderbird International Business Review.

Seyoum, B. & Ramirez, J. (2019). Economic freedom and trade flows: A moderated mediation model of inward foreign investment and government stability. Journal of Economic Studies 46(4).

Seyoum, B. & Lian, Y (2018). Market performance implications of modularization: Evidence from the global auto firms operating in China. International Business Review 27(4), pp. 852-866.