NSU Alert:  10/07/24 CLICK HERE


Our Faculty and Staff

Dario Bonaretti photo

  • Ph.D. - Louisiana State University - Information Systems
  • M.A. - University of Pavia - International Business and Economics
  • B.A. - University of Pavia - Communication

ISM 5150 Information Strategy for Digital Transformation
QNT 5476 Data Management and Business Intelligence

Dario Bonaretti & Diana Fischer-Preßler Rethinking emergency warning systems: Uncovering affordances and impediments of effective use. Twenty-Ninth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021) .

Dario Bonaretti, Diana Fischer-Preßler, & Kai Larsen What's in a construct? A proposal for an ontology for scale developers. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth European Conference of Information Systems .

Diana Fischer-Pressler, Dario Bonaretti, & Kai Fischbach Effective Use of Mobile-Enabled Emergency Warning Systems. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) 2020.

Dario Bonaretti & G. Piccoli Digital Volunteers for Emergency Management: Lessons from the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake. Proceeding of Twenty-Third Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2018.

Dario Bonaretti & G. Piccoli Effective Use of Information Systems for Emergency Management: A Representation Theory Perspective. Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018.

Dario Bonaretti Effective Use of Twitter Data in Crisis Management: The Challenge of Harnessing Geospatial Data. Proceeding of Twenty-Third Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2018.

Dario Bonaretti, M. Bartosiak, & G. Piccoli The Cognitive Anchoring of Color Cues on Online Review Ratings. Proceeding of Twenty-Second Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2017.

Dario Bonaretti, M. Bartosiak, & G. Piccoli Anchor Contraction Effect in Interface Design: The Impact of Color Cues on Online Review Rating. SIGHCI 2016 Proceedings. Dublin, Ireland. 2016.

Fischer, D., Bonaretti, D., Fischbach, K. (2021). A protection-motivation perspective to explain intention to use and continue to use mobile warning systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering.

Bonaretti, D., Fischer-Pressler, D. (2021). The problem with SMS campus warning: an evaluation based on recipients' spatial awareness. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Dario Bonaretti, Marcin Bartosiak, Iris Lui, Gabriele Piccoli, & Daniele Marchesani (2020). “What can I(S) do for you?”: How technology enables service providers to elicit customers' preferences and deliver personalized service. Information & Management 57(6), pp.