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Randi Sims, Ph.D.

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H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Dr. Randi Sims is a Professor at Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University. . She obtained her doctoral degree in Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University.

An active researcher, Dr. Sims’ recent work investigates the relationship between employee ethical decision making and national culture. She has worked with co-authors from Taiwan, China, and Turkey. Her research has appeared in Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society, Journal of Managerial Psychology, International Journal of Value Based Management, and Journal of Psychology (among others).

In addition to her over 30 refereed journal publications within the last 25 years, Dr. Sims frequently presents her research at national and international management and ethics conferences. Dr. Sims’ expertise within the business ethics area has been recognized by local and national journalists who have interviewed her for their columns in publications such as Fortune, The Miami Herald, and Meetings and Conventions Magazine.

Ranked as one of the top 50 business ethics scholars in the world, she has been invited to speak to local student and professional groups on various topics related to business ethics.

Dr. Sims served as a section editor for the Journal of Business Ethics from March 2006 to May 2012. She has also served as an invited guest reviewer for a number of journals.

Dr. Sims teaches Business Ethics to undergraduate students and Sociological and Psychological Implications of Management to doctoral students. In addition, she serves on or chairs a number of D.B.A. dissertation committees.

  • Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University - Business Administration
  • M.B.A., Nova University - Business Administration
  • M.S., Nova University - Applied Psychology
  • B.A., Florida Atlantic University

  • MGT 3020 Business Communications
  • MGT 3055 Managing Groups and Teams
  • MGT 4100 Business Ethics
  • MGT 5380 Building and Leading Teams

  • Ethical decision making
  • Business ethics
  • Organizational behavior
  • Academic dishonesty

Baiyun Gong & Randi Sims The Covid 19 Pandemic And Psychological Contract Breach: The Disruption of A Work From Home Schedule. The 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2021.

Randi Sims & Yuliya Yurova The Relation Between Perceived Justice and Schedule Satisfaction: The Moderate Role of Tenure. Southwest Academy of Management 2015.

Randi Sims & Baiyun Gong The Impact of Psychological Distance on Moral Behavior. South West Academy of Management Proceedings Annual 2014.

Cynthia Ruppel, Randi Sims, & Peter Zeidler Country as a Modertor in the Relationship Between Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Inention to Turnover. 2011.

Randi Sims, Cynthia Ruppel, & Baiyun Gong The impact of human development and culture on national corruption: A contingency theory view. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting Proceedings 2010.

Equity, Education, and Community Service: A Summary of AAUW-NSU Programming. , AAUW FL Leadership Conference, 2019, Ocala, FL

Introducing experiential science and math activities to at-risk girls: The E-STEAM project, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Science Outreach Activity Poster Session, 2019, Orlando

The E-STEAM (Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Project for Girls Mentoring Program, 11th annual mentoring conference proceedings: Mentoring, coaching, and leadership for innovation and entrepreneurship, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Impact of Organizational and Supervisor Support on Turnover Intentions in Hospital Employees, Annual Meeting of the Southwest Academy of Management, 2017, Little Rock, AK

The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction and Intention to Quit, Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2016,

The Relation Between Perceived Justice and Schedule Satisfaction: The Moderate Role of Tenure, Southwest Academy of Management 2015,

The Impact of Psychological Distance on Moral Behavior, Southwest Academy of Management 2014,

Stakeholder Management versus Stakeholder Theory: A Missed Opportunity for Project Managers, Academy of Business Disciplines Annual Conference 2013,

Emotional Labor and Its Outcomes: A Study of a Philippines Call Center, Federated Business Conference - Southwest Academy of Management 2013,

Satisfaction as a mediator in the relation between goal orientation and career withdrawal intentions, Southwest Academy of Management 2013,

The Moderating Effect of Religiosity and Moral Courage on Ethical Decision Making, Society for Business Ethics 2012,

Gong, B., Sims, R. L. (2023). Psychological Contract Breach During the Pandemic: How an Abrupt Transition to a Work from Home Schedule Impacted the Employment Relationship. Journal of Business Research, 154 (January).

Sims, R. L., Barreto, T. S. (2022). In defense of leader misconduct:  The use of neutralization techniques by ingroup members. Journal of Social Psychology, 162(5), 621-639.

Sims, R., Yurova, Y., Zeidler, P. (2021). The importance of organisational justice on schedule satisfaction: A study of Latin American call centre employees. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 21(1), 54-74.

Darshana Palkar, Randi Sims, & Emre Kuvvet (2020). Geographical Proximity and Value of Corporate Cash Holdings. Managerial Finance 46(9), pp. 1101-1122.

Randi Sims & Ravi Chinta (2020). The mediating role of entrepreneurial ambition in the relationship between entrepreneurial efficacy and entrepreneurial drive for female nascent entrepreneurs. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35(1), pp. 76-91.

Rose Llanos-Almeida, Maureen McDermott, Randi Sims, Molly Scanlon, & Julie Torruellas Garcia (2018). The E-STEAM Project for Girls Mentoring Program. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching 2 (October, Special Issue 1), pp. 667-668.

John Fazio, Baiyun Gong, Randi Sims, & Yuliya Yurova (2017). The role of affective commitment in the relationship between social support and turnover intention. Management Decision 55(3), pp. 512-525.

Randi Sims & George Bingham (2017). The moderating effect of religiosity on the relation between moral intensity and moral awareness. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics 4(1), pp. 1-18.

Randi Sims, Cynthia Ruppel, & Zeidler P (2016). Work strain, job satisfaction, and intention to quit: The moderating effect of long-term orientation. International Journal of Stress Management 23(1), pp. 23-43.

Randi Sims & Jess Boytell (2015). The relation between goal orientation and occupational withdrawal. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 36(7), pp. 816-832.

Steven Kramer & Randi Sims (2015). Stakeholder management: A theoretical analysis of the PMBOK® Guide. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics & Organizational Studies 20(2), pp. 34-42.

Randi Sims & A Gegez (2014). Ethical attitudes towards marketing research practices: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 6(1), pp. 49-63.

Randi Sims (2013). Antecedents and consequences of collective fraud: A study of the United States residential real estate market boom and bust. Business and Professional Ethics Journal 32(3-4), pp. 145-182.

Cynthia Ruppel, Randi Sims, & Peter Zeidler (2013). Emotional labour and its outcomes: A study of a Philippine call centre. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 5(3), pp. .

Randi Sims, Baiyun Gong, & Cynthia Ruppel (2012). A contingency theory of corruption: The effect of human development and national culture. Social Science Journal 49(1), pp. 90-97.

Maggie Dunn, Barbara Dastoor, & Randi Sims (2012). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: A Cross Cultural Perspective. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 4(1), pp. 45-59.

Randi Sims & P Sun (2012). Witnessing workplace bullying and the Chinese manufacturing employee. Journal of Managerial Psychology 27(1), pp. 9-26.

Bahaudin Mujtaba & Randi Sims (2011). Gender differences in managerial attitudes towards unearned privilege and favoritism in the retail sector.. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 23(3), pp. 205-217.

Randi Sims (2010). A Study of Deviance as a Retaliatory Response to Organizational Power. Journal of Business Ethics 92(4), pp. 553-563.

Randi Sims & Sims L (2009). Collective Versus Individualist National Cultures: Comparing Taiwan and US Employee Attitudes Towards Unethical Business Practices. Business & Society 48(1), pp. 39-59.

Randi Sims (2006). Comparing Ethical Attitudes Across Cultures.. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 12(2), pp. 101-113.

Frank Cavico, C Huang, Bahaudin Mujtaba, & Randi Sims (2006). Ethics and Executives: A Cross Cultural Comparison of Japan, Taiwan, and the United States. International Business and Economics Research Journal 5(7).

Bahaudin Mujtaba, Huang Chunlong, Frank Cavico, & Randi Sims (2006). Ethics and Executives: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Japan, Taiwan, and the United States. International Business & Economics Research Journal 5(7), pp. 9-22.

Randi Sims & Bahaudin Mujtaba (2006). Socializing retail employees in ethical values: The effectiveness of the formal versus informal methods. Journal of Business and Psychology 21(2), pp. 261-272.

Bahaudin Mujtaba & Randi Sims (2006). Socializing Retail Employees in Ethical Values: The Effectiveness of the Formal versus Informal Methods. Journal of Business and Psychology 21(2).

Randi Sims (2006). The Impact of National Corruption on the Human Development of the Afghan People. SAE Journal 3(1), pp. 47-55.

Randi Sims & A Tai (2005). The Perception of the Glass Ceiling in High Technology Companies. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12(1), pp. 16-23.

Randi Sims & A Gegez (2004). Attitudes Towards Business Ethics: A Five Nation Comparative Study. Journal of Business Ethics 50(3), pp. 253-265.

Randi Sims (2002). Ethical Rule Breaking by Employees: A Test of Social Bonding Theory. Journal of Business Ethics 40(2), pp. 101-109.

Randi Sims (2002). Support for the use of deception within the work environment: A comparison of Israel and United States employees. Journal of Business Ethics 35(1), pp. 27-34.

Randi Sims (2002). The Effectiveness of a Plagiarism Prevention Policy: A Longitudinal Study of Student Views. Teaching Business Ethics 6(4), pp. 477-482.

Randi Sims (2000). Teaching Business Ethics: A Case Study of An Ethics Across the Curriculum Policy. Teaching Business Ethics 4(4), pp. 437-443.

Randi Sims & T Keon (2000). The Influence of organizational expectations on ethical decision making conflict. Journal of Business Ethics 23(2), pp. 219-228.

Randi Sims (2000). The Relationship Between Employee Attitudes and Conflicting Expectations for Lying Behavior. Journal of Psychology 134(6), pp. 619-633.

Randi Sims & J Keenan (1999). A Cross-cultural comparison of managers' whistleblowing tendencies. International Journal of Value-Based Management 12(2), pp. 137-151.

Randi Sims & T Keon (1999). Determinants of ethical decision making: The relationship of the perceived organizational environment.. Journal of Business Ethics 19(4), pp. 393-401.

Randi Sims (1999). The Development of Six Ethical Business Dilemmas. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 20(4), pp. 189-197.

Randi Sims & J Keenan (1998). Predictors of external whistleblowing: Organizational and intrapersonal variables. Journal of Business Ethics 17(4), pp. 411-421.

Randi Sims (1998). Teaching Stress Management In An On-Line Format.. Journal of Education for Business 74(2), pp. 122-125.

Randi Sims (1998). When Formal Ethics Policies Differ From Informal Expectations: A Test of Managers' Attitudes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 19(7), pp. 386-391.

Randi Sims & T Keon (1997). Ethical work climate as a factor in the development of person-organization fit. Journal of Business Ethics 16(11), pp. 1095-1105.

Randi Sims (1997). Gender equity in management education: A content analysis of test bank questions. Journal of Education for Business 72(5), pp. 283-287.

Randi Sims & J Malouff (1996). Applying an Employee-motivation Model to Preventing Student Plagiarism. Journal of Education for Business 72(1), pp. 58-61.

Randi Sims (1996). Ethical Decision Making: A Cross-cultural Comparison. International Journal of Value-Based Management 9(1), pp. 77-88.

Randi Sims, D Cooke, & J Peyrefitte (1995). The Relationship Between Graduate Student Attitudes and Attrition. Journal of Psychology 129(6), pp. 677-688.

Randi Sims (1995). The Severity of Academic Dishonesty: A Comparison of Faculty and Student Views. Psychology in the Schools 32(July), pp. 233-238.

Randi Sims & K Kroeck (1994). The influence of ethical fit on employee satisfaction, commitment, and turnover. Journal of Business Ethics 13(12), pp. 939-947.

Randi Sims, P Villanova, H Bernardin, & S Dahmus (1993). Rater Leniency and Performance Appraisal Discomfort. Educational and Psychological Measurement 53(2), pp. 789-799.

Randi Sims (1993). The Relationship Between Academic Dishonesty and Unethical Business Practices. Journal of Education for Business 68(4), pp. 207-211.

  • HONR 1500 Honors Reading Seminar

  • Honors course instructor
  • Regularly participates in honors activities