Prepare for a rewarding career in money management and investment banking with our B.S.B.A curriculum. Gain the NSU Edge through a strong foundation in key business areas, focusing on finance essentials like macroeconomics and international finance. With our world class faculty, you’ll launch your finance career into a bright future.

With each teaching assignment, I continuously strive to better myself; to be more approachable to my students; to be more patient with them; to understand them better; to communicate better; and, finally, to transform my perseverance, commitment, and enthusiasm for teaching into a more fun-loving and educative experience.
Darshana Palkar, Ph.D. | Professor of Finance
Total credits: 120
General Education Requirements (30 Credits)
Freshmen must successfully complete the First-Year Seminar (UNIV 1000 3 credits) in their first semester at NSU. Students are required to earn six qualified experiential education (ExEL) units for graduation. ExEL units include curricular and co-curricular experiential education opportunities, such as faculty-mentored research, ExEL coursework, travel exploration, and internships.
Business Core (42 credits)
Semester I
Choose one:
Finance Major Courses (24 credits)
Semester I
For course descriptions, please visit Course Wizard.
4-Year Plan of Study
The four-year plan of study, provided here, is intended to assist students in planning their schedule for their four years at NSU. This document presents an overall idea of the order in which courses might be taken in a four-year plan during a student's college career and are intended for use with academic advising services.
2021-2022 4-Year Plan of Study (PDF)
2022-2023 4-Year Plan of Study (PDF)
2023-2024 4-Year Plan of Study (PDF)
3+1 Plan of Study
The three plus one year plan of study is for students in the dual-admit B.S.B.A. / M.B.A. program.
2021-2022 3+1 Plan of Study (PDF)
2022-2023 3+1 Plan of Study (PDF)
2023-2024 3+1 Plan of Study (PDF)