Develop a solid understanding of branding, market research, and digital strategies and gain the skills necessary to excel in a variety of B2B and B2C marketing roles. The minor in marketing program from Nova Southeastern University covers topics like consumer behavior, foreign market research, search engine optimization, and more. With this comprehensive skillset, you’ll be well equipped to thrive in any industry’s marketing department.
Marketing Minor Curriculum
Required Courses (6 credits)
Minor Electives - Select Three (9 credits)
For course descriptions, please visit Course Wizard.
Full-time professionals are available to discuss the minor in marketing curriculum
with you in greater detail. Simply call 800-338-4723 or contact our Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

I always find out about my students' backgrounds and work experiences so I can relate to them. I want them to feel comfortable enough to ask questions and share their opinions. Most important, I want them to feel confident in their abilities to succeed. It is my goal to make class interesting, practical, enjoyable, and motivating.
Suri Weisfeld-Spolter, Ph.D. | Professor of Marketing